Scholarship Programs

Financial Assistance Programs


Phil Schneider was a great fan, coach, parent, association member, and volunteer for many years at Hudson Hockey. Phil's family has decided to honor him with a generous memorial gift to HHA. Thank you to Jean, Jessica, Peter, Matt, and David Schneider. 

The Phil Schneider Assistance Fund is earmarked for expenses that go beyond registration fees such as out-of-town tournament expenses (hotels, gas, meals), equipment, team fees, additional referee fees, and/or team spirit wear. If your family is in need of financial assistance during the hockey season, please contact the HHA President or HHA Treasurer. All assistance will remain confidential.  


It is HHA's goal to give everyone the opportunity to play the game of hockey. In this effort, we have developed a scholarship program to help those families who are in need of assistance. 

Submittal Process

A Financial Assistance Application Form (above) is to be submitted to the President, Treasurer or Chair of the Financial Operations Committee by the applicant.

  • Completed application with required attachments may be dropped off at Gornick Arena and placed in the Treasurer's mailbox in a sealed envelope marked "confidential" or emailed to
  • Financial Assistance applications must be received at the time of registration.

Costs Covered by the Program

Only player registration fees are covered by the program. Partial registration assistance will also be offered.

Costs NOT Covered by the Program

  • USA Hockey registration fees
  • Tryout fees
  • Clinic fees
  • Outside and in-house tournament fees
  • Fundraising fees
  • Volunteer hours
  • Equipment rental

Evaluation Process

The Financial Operations Committee will review the applications and determine the level of assistance available to each applicant. All information will be held in strict confidence. Only the Registrar and applicant will be notified of the Committee's determination.

Criteria Considered in Evaluation Process

  • Level of need
  • Past Payment History
  • Past Volunteer Involvement

Criteria NOT Considered in Evaluation Process

  • Age level of the skater(s)
  • Talent level of the skater(s)

Financial Assistance Budget & Documentation

The total amount of financial assistance available is based on 5% of the budgeted registration revenue for the season. The amount of financial assistance provided will be reflected on the HHA Income Statement as a charitable contribution.

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